Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Earth Day

Pollution! Pollution is everywhere our Forests, Rivers, Oceans and even our land! The amount of Pollution in NZ is not good. We as NZ need to recycle instead of just throwing the rubbish out in the bin or out the car window. We could do something about this.... we could eat more sustainable foods that is good for the earth. Come on NZ we can do this together!
Here are some photos

Special report: how polluted are New Zealand's rivers? | NewshubSpecial report: how polluted are New Zealand's rivers? | Newshub
Group A | ENGR 1188 Autumn 2019 Baker
This is real

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

My Photos

My Photos 

This is my photo I took of my Family and I's Puppy Flo! This is when she is about 3 weeks old. Flo is a miniature schnauzer. 🐶

 This is lock Lard when the dam is spilling. In the summer my Family and I go to the lakes in Otematata. I can kneeboard and single ski.🚤

These are my two awesome goats
Autumn and Pepper. I got Autumn two years ago and Pepper last year. They are besties! 🐐